Type 31 (with baffle plate)
Fabric Expansion Joint

Standard model U-design fabric expansion joint composed of single- or multi-layer fabric, available in cylindrical or rectangular shape for mounting with flanges on the pipeline.

U-design fabric expansion joints are commonly used due to simple installation and various customization of the connecting flanges.

For detailed technical specifications on Type 31 fabric expansion joints please check the following table and documents or contact us.


  • compensate universal movements and vibrations
  • simple installment with flanges
  • U-design construction
  • low reactional forces
Type 31 (with baffle plate) - Fabric Expansion Joint | 3D view
Type 31 (with baffle plate) - Fabric Expansion Joint | 3D view
Type 31 (with baffle plate) - Fabric Expansion Joint | dimensional sketch
Type 31 (with baffle plate) - Fabric Expansion Joint | dimensional sketch

Technische Spezifikationen


RangeClassAxial [+/mm]Lateral [+/mm]Angular [+/deg]
FabricW 31-Bby request *up to 500 mbars **up to 30% of EHup to 20% of EHacc. to designsheet
SeriesW 31-B
Size / Rangeby request *
Pressureup to 500 mbars **
Axialup to 30% of EH
Lateralup to 20% of EH
Angularacc. to designsheet

* limited by manufacturing technology
** special constructions for higher pressure may be possible